Friday, October 16, 2009

White sand beaches

October 14th/09 - Panama City Beach, Florida
Sandpiper Beacon Beach Resort
Mileage: 90 km
Total mileage: 5501 km

Tonight we are staying at the Sandpiper Beacon Beach Resort in Panama City Beach. Not only tonight, but also October 15th, 16th and 17th. We couldn't handle just riding along the white sand beaches and emerald seas any longer.

It all started today when we stopped for a break at Inlet Beach. We had been cycling inland for a while and met a local who told us that we had missed the best beaches in Florida by not cycling further south along Hwy 30A. He was very insistent that we turn back and cover that stretch. Well, it is very difficult for a cyclist to make a u-turn and undue mileage gained, so with some guilt we continued on east bound hoping he wouldn't see us.

Still feeling guilty we attempted to resolve the situation and took the scenic byway at Panama City Beach. It was here that we surrendered to the ocean and decided to stay a few days at the resort. The staff extended our stay by giving us 4 nights for the price of 3. $79 nightly, off season rates. We plan to drink margaritas, lay on the beach and do some carb loading.

We left Fort Walton Beach this morning and cycled east through Destin. Traffic lights and lots of vehicles, but still new and interesting country to us.

In Destin a fella named Dan pulled over in his vehicle and flagged us in. He was very interested in where we had come from and where we were going. (Turns out he grew up in Winnipeg and moved here when he was 18). He was very impressed and said that he loved to see people doing what we were doing. So impressed that he insisted we take $20 to have lunch on him. Lunch cost us $14 and Deby got her $6 spending money for the week. All kinds of cool people in the world.

Beyond Destin the traffic thinned out. We cycled through pine forest and away from civilization for a short time until reaching Inlet Beach where we got our lesson on what we were missing which led to our stay at the beach.


  1. Hello Kim and Deby!! We just found out about your blog (Wendel gave Frank the heads up today at work). We'll be honest...we thought you were crazy when we first heard about this trip (well, we know Bro is certifiable for sure!) but now you are our heroes!!! We have just read a bit but it sounds like a beautiful and exciting journey!! You truly are living life to the fullest and too few people do that. Maybe we will have to do something like this in the future! Take care and enjoy your days on the beach! We will keep reading!

    Lynn & Frank

  2. Keep those feet in that salt water for as long as you can .... beach time ... ross Santa Fe ..

  3. Glad to hear you are taking a break and enjoying the beach...we had some snow here this week but today is suppose to be warm again. Have fun and stay safe!

  4. your travelling fast bro. a couple more weeks and you could be up the East Coast to New Brunswick eating fish and potatoes. Love you.

  5. Hey guys!! Just checking in! I hope you are enjoying your few days 'off' :) Looking forward to your next blog entry!! Take care!! We miss you guys!

  6. Wow! Just sounds amazing! Bet you're having the time of your life! Keep it up! love and God Bless Deborah:)

  7. Hi guys! Today I printed a copy of your blog and sat down in the nook. I have read bits and pieces before but usually in a rush. Today was such a treat. I love the way you write Kim. Deby your remarks are a hoot!! It was great to "travel with you" in the fat kind of way (on my chair LOL). You are both an inspiration and I hope to REALLY travel with you one day when you are MUCH older and I can actually keep up :) We miss you lots and can't wait to hear all your stories in person. Plan on spending at least a week with us because we have a lot of catching up to do. Love you both - Laura Hugs from Brennin, Mariah, Darius and Belia Hello from Tim too! p.s phone soon
