Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back on the road again

September 8th/09 - Dove Creek, Colorado
Mileage: 134.9 km
Total mileage: 2242 km
Ride time: 7:27 hrs

Tonight we are camped in what you would think is a yard for old machinery, but the sign out front says Blue Mountain RV Park. When you're cycling though, anyplace to stay is a wonderful place even if you have to go down the street in the dark to take a dump at the local Shell station. We weren't charged for the place. I don't think the owner would have felt right asking us for money.

Leaving Moab this morning we had Deby's Specialized Armadillo replaced at Rim Cycle. It turns out there was a bad batch of these tires and her rear tire was one of them. The tire was delaminating and they were only to happy to replace it on warranty. I am very happy with the tires. Deby has only had two flat since we got them, both being nail punctures, both which can be forgiven. Road chip coating and thorns have been overcome by these tires.

Travelling south toward Monticello is a very pretty ride. In reality you can't grasp this crazy country unless you investigate the surrounding parks, but travelling south you do get a taste as the valley you follow is a microcosm of the area. Red rock walls, canyons, boulders as big as a house balanced on boulders as big as a shed etc. etc.

For some time as you travel, the La Sal mountains watch over you from the east. As you get closer to Monticello the Abajo mountains pop up to the west. These are huge mountains, but relatively small ranges. Hard to believe they can pop up out of nowhere when the rest of the surrounding country is so different.

Big climb right before Monticello. You leave the desert here and climb up into the pines. I actually saw standing water here in one of the washes. A rare sighting. These isolated spots must have meant life or death to early desert travellers.

From Monticello we travelled east on Hwy 491 to Dove Creek, Colorado. The land changed again. The La Sals to the north and the Abajos now behind us we entered rolling plains. We began to see some dry land farming with a smattering of irrigation. Didn't really look like the Garden of Eden. Still dry country. I don't think any farmers get rich around here.

We rolled into Dove Creek - another good day.

The day was long for my Polish Princess. She said she didn't want to do another day like that (or here those famous words 'it wasn't supposed to be that far'!) How was I supposed to know what tomorrow would bring.

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